1. Take 10 minutes and think if you are ready to do this… I’ll explain why and how.
  2. Make a list of your 5 top clients and specify the industry they’re in.
  3. Create a folder in your computer with ALL the logos, graphics, promotional materials and testimonials you’ve gathered throughout the years – you’re going to need them later…
  4. Identify the Social media technologies you are going to use with the help of a SM professional:
    1. Facebook
    1. Twitter (microblogging)
    1. Blogging on your site
    1. Social Blogging: posting on other’s websites/blogs – Extremely Recommended!!!
    1. AV social media (Pinterest, YouTube, etc.)
  5. Review your existing Information Technologies (website, Social media accounts, etc.) and make a list of the stuff that is working and what is NOT… a Twitter account you opened five years ago and you have never posted on doesn’t count. Make sure you put some Analytics on them.
  6. Align your company’s message with the Social media identifiers, a.k.a. account names:
    1. www.facebook.com/thebestcompanyintheworld
    1. www.twitter.com/thebestcompanyintheworld
    1. You get the idea…
  7. Define the integration strategy: Social media is an ecosystem and all the technologies have to work together, otherwise you will be doing A LOT of repeat work and copy/pasting…
  8. If your English is not good, PLEASE PAY A PROFESSIONAL WRITER
  9. Remember STEP 1? Now you have to create a schedule for CONTENT GENERATION:

Social Networks – X hours daily/weekly/monthly

10. Review your strategy three (3) months after implementation and adjust accordingly.

Social media is 5% technology and 95% Quality Content